Saturday, February 23, 2008

On the Seventh Day...

I woke up this morning at 0700 and suddenly realize that it was Saturday! I had slept for a solid 24 hours. I didn't even wake up once. I wasn't sure if I should be happy that I got that much sleep or disappointed because I had lost my whole day off.
This week at work has been a particularly tough one. We're in the midst of a giant staffing crisis. It's not enough that we are working 3 to 4 times as hard, but we're also working twice as long too. It doesn't seem to matter how fast you move or how efficient you are, they always want/need more from you. Thursday night I got called to come in early, I didn't end up leaving until 18 hours later. That was one heck of a night! My first patient (26 years old) died in a very bloody open chested mess. "Strip that room fast, we've got another on the way," was the response I got to that one. Next came a lady with chest pain. Yep, you guessed it, a big ole heart attack. So I rushed her off to get 2 stents and an angioplasty. Two more assignments later I find myself back with "heart attack lady" who has now officially gone bananas. By this time she had torn out her IVs, kicked another nurse, kept taking off her oxygen, pulled off her EKG monitor, and just about fell out bed multiple times. What could I do but tie her into the bed? What... It's perfectly legal. As many times as I tried to tell her that she was having trouble breathing because she kept fighting me so hard and that she couldn't get out bed because she had just had a heart attack, she didn't seem to get it. So... I spent the last four hours of my shift putting her back in the bed as she threatened to kill me, kicked me and tried to bite me. I had to laugh a little about that one, she didn't have any teeth!
It's a felony to threaten or assault a nurse.
If you ever find yourself restrained by a nurse, it's generally not beneficial to let them know about your plans of a killing rampage when they let you loose.
I've never heard of anyone being gummed to death.
You might not want to bite a nurse anyway, you never know where they may have been!
Sometimes it's all you can do to pray that you'll make it to the end of your shift without hurting anyone (or getting hurt by someone). Then you've got to pray for the strength to do it all over again the next day.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Wow... That's crazy! I got bitten/scratched/hit/kicked recently too - although I bet my "patient/student" was quite a bit smaller than yours. And, there's quite a bit less dying in my job. :) Hope things have been going better since then...