Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well all, it's been quite a while since I was able to blog last. I've been so blasted busy working and going to class and writing my curriculum that I just haven't had time. You'll be happy to know however, that I did find an outlet for all this craziness. That's right folks, I went to a sew-athon!
Both my sisters are addicted to sewing and one used to be a professional seamstress. They apparently decided that I needed to sew too and so for Christmas and my birthday (which happen to be quite close to one another) my family pooled their funds to buy me a sewing machine.

Since the purchase of my lovely little Pfaff both of my sisters have been inviting me to sew with them regularly. You might be surprized at how relaxing and even addicting it really is. A couple of weeks ago the women folk of my family and a few of our friends gathered at my sisters house for a day of sewing. It's actually kind of inspiring to see what everyone else was working on. My mom finished her table runner, Lisa worked on a picture quilt, Becky was doing something too intricately elaborate for me to fathom, my friend Marina had her first taste of quilting, and I revised my proposal for the 119th time. Once I finally finished the proposal I joined the fun.
I had accidentally left my original project at home so I had to start to a new one. My mom had some rubber ducky print flannel and some yellow so I started a baby quilt for the special care nursery at the hospital in Rwanda.

Julie (my nurse friend in Rwanda) says that often times the swaddling that the mothers bring to wrap their babies in is filthy. Before she used to travel from church to church having "baby showers" to raise awareness of global marternal child health concerns and to receive donations of baby items for Kibogora hospital. She is now at Kibogora and probably won't be back in the states for the next several years. So... we've been having sewathons to keep her well supplied.

1 comment:

Judy Rich said...

I forget how much we have in common! Seriously, I love reading your blog. Other than the fact that you can stomach seeing things in a hospital that I would probably pass out at, we have a lot in common! I love that you're working on giving things to needy people in other countries, and you're crafty too! Maybe if you ever get a day off, you could come over and teach me some new stitches. I just made my first crochet scarf in like 10 years with just the double stitch and that's all I can remember how to do!

Anyway, have a great week. See you soon??? :o)