Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Clicking Send and Other Delights...

Yesterday for the first time in seven years, I did my own taxes. I've never done my taxes completely devoid of help with a mortgage, a retirement plan, tuition credit, and a stock portfolio before. Let me tell you, it's a lot more challenging than it looks. I ended up using Turbo Tax online and after about 2 1/2 hours I think I got it right. I must say they did a good job of building up the suspense, especially with the audit risk meter at the end , that was great. By the time you've put in all your infomation and W2s and 1099s and 1098 Ts and all that stuff, you're so worried about missing something that it's a little hard to finally click send. However, I have discovered the feeling you get from doing your taxes early and knowing that you will get strategically timed refund beats the intial tachycardia involved in pressing the botton.
So... My delights for today:
I'm done with my taxes!
I discovered the excitement of the Electrasol 2 in 1 gelpacs (on sale at Target) in my Maytag washer.
I can have all the overtime I want. :0
It's no longer dark when I head out to work! YAY

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