Monday, May 12, 2008

Muzungu Moments Part 3

This afternoon I took my laptop down to the hospital to use the internet. In order to get a faster connection I encamped outside directly below the satellite dish. I was just about to finish posting the second edition of Muzungu Moments when out of the corner of my eye I spotted two little girls peaking around a corner at me. Once they knew I had seen them they giggled and waved, I waved back and said “Mediwe.” (Good afternoon in Kinyarwandan). They approached me slowly and cautiously with curious looks on their faces. After a few minutes they sat next to me on the ground watching as I typed. In the past I have been rightly accused of being “nerdy” and/or “teacherly” but I also know watching someone type isn’t one of the most riveting of activities.
Fortunately I had recently downloaded my camera’s memory card onto my hard drive. The girls smiled and giggled when I showed them pictures of snowy college campuses, water skiing, blin cakes, and some of the pictures of Kibogora that I had just taken. I also had some pictures of the fake injuries I had concocted before leaving the states. We skipped over those pictures quickly!
Soon the girls had figured out that they could move the arrow on the screen by using the touch pad. The biggest kick in the pants was when they learned to type their names; another Muzungu Moment.

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