Thursday, May 29, 2008

Borrowed Students and the Macarena

I know... I've fallen down on the job of posting more Africa pictures. Actually, I've just been saving them up for you and building the suspense. ;)

A few days before we left Kibogora a group of students came from Roberts Wesleyan College in New York to help teach English at two local high schools. The night before we left they were invited to one of the schools for a special performance of some traditional dances. I finished teaching my last class a little early so I decided to go along with RWC group.

Long story short we found ourselves as the guests of honor sitting in front of a huge throng of Rwandan high schoolers watching the performance. It was actually quite the interesting experience. However, by the time the performance ended we found ourselves trapped in the building as there was a torrential downpour outside.

We were stuck there, sitting in front of 500 students who were all staring us expectantly. It was our turn. We were all asked to introduce ourselves. I decided it would be too complicated to try and tell them that I wasn't associated with the Roberts Wesleyan group and it didn't really matter anyway so I borrowed some students. After the introductions and several awkward moments of silence I finally figured out that they wanted us to perform.

I told them "Quick, do the Macarena or something." I didn't think they would actually do it!!!

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