Nope, I haven't fallen off the face of the planet, I got in to the statistics class that I needed. Did I mention that I've never been good in math?
I left class with my first homework assignment totally overwhelmed. Well wouldn't you know it, when I was working on it in my office, one the students stopped by. She just happens to be amazing in math. Suddenly, here I am getting math help from my student.
"Did you ever have a left sided brain injury, that's the area that processes math; that would explain a lot. We just learned about math disorder in our psych class." Hmm... Thanks a lot! We worked on the assignment for a over an hour and then she had to leave.
In walks another student. She tries to help and we make it to the last couple of problems before she gets to a certain part. "Hmm, I don't really remember this part very well but my little brother is totally good at it; let's call him up." So here we are with Daniel on speaker phone. He's apparently at a family gathering with lots of people and it's noisy in the background. He goes and hides in the bathroom to secretly help us with the "it's just algebra" problem. "I'll take a picture of it with my phone and sent it to you guys."
With the help of a blunt Ukrainian student, a little brother hiding in a bathroom,and an hour long phone conversation about logarithms with my dad in a parking lot; I got a 100% on my first assignment.
Whew! When you mentioned the assignment to me, I knew I wouldn't remember enough math to help you. I'm glad you found several other people who could help!!! I'm worthless when it comes to homework!
I think the hardest part of math is getting over being intimidated by it. I sucked in math too. Then when I got into my program, WAMM MATH!! Lots of it was stuff I NEVER SAW BEFORE, Trig, calc, vectors, phases, power factors... scared the poop out of me! I thought there was NO WAY i could do it.
But I got over being scared and buckled down, A LOT of extra studying and help from a teacher and fellow classmates.
Its good to have people help explain it, Sometimes your buddies can explain something better than a teacher who deals with textbook explainations every day.
I ahve a hard time understanding text books, but when I can see it, hear it, touch it, smell it, and write it on my hand, its all good.
Good luck, I might not be able to help with statisics, but if you ever need help calculating the resonant frequency of an atom or do some boolean algebra, hit me up.. hehe chances are Ill tell ya sorry, i dont remeber a damn thing, that was 2 years ago!
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