Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thank God...

I was right, it really is exciting to see how God provides... My acceptance to the PhD program at WSU is dependant on my completion of a graduate statistics course. That means I have to take such a class THIS QUARTER. Unfortunately there is only 1 such class being offered this quarter that fits the bill and it's on Tuesdays. The problem, I work 12 hour shifts on Tuesdays at the hospital.
I've frantically looking for trades to make it work but I couldn't find any coverage for 2 of my shifts, today being one of them. This morning the assistant manager called and said she would come in for 3 hours to cover my patients while I went to class. The charge nurse arranged for my patients transfer to happen early, before my class, and another nurse took over my other patient so that Tami (the assistant manager) didn't even have to come. Yay, I owe 5SE one PhD!
Well, that might be a little premature I guess; but I certainly am very thankful that I have such supportive co-workers. Now I just have to register for the class and hope there are still spots. I have a to register as a non-matriculated student so I can't register until everyone else has.
Stay tuned for some exciting provision!


Annie said...

God is awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear this! I want to hear all about your stats woes when you're going through it! I'm glad you're blessed with awesome co-workers!