Sunday, November 22, 2009

Celebrating Life's Little Victories

At the end of the long term care rotation I asked my students to write down three goals they hoped to achieve during the acute care rotation. One student (who can sometimes be especially "giggly") stated that she wanted to work on maturity. This goal came from a conversation she had with another nurse about the skills they had learned in skills lab. Apparently she couldn't say she learned about enema administration without laughing.
One day at clinical a nurse asked her to administer a fleets enema to an extremely constipated patient recovering from a hip surgery. With hip precautions a extra person is needed to help turn the patient in such a manner as to protect the joint. I went into the room to help her. In attempt to put the patient at ease we made small talk with her and found out she was from the Olympic Peninsula. We discussed the elk crossing signs in Sequim and the enema was administered without even a smirk! Sometimes it's the little things...

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