Saturday, July 18, 2009

Greetings from Taipei!

Hellow everybody, I've made it safely to Taipei. We are on a 4 hour layover between here and Cambodia. The flight wasn't bad at all, I got a window seat but nobody in the seat next to me. I got to spread out a bit and get some good sleep and still had some time to relax and read a good book. (In His Image by Paul Brand and Philip Yancey).

Right before I boarded the plane I turned to one of my teammates and said, “What am I doing?” “Following Jesus,” she answered. I must admit that I never really had any special interest to work in Asia. When I was asked to consider going on this trip my first thought was ‘no’. Now I find myself in a foreign airport with a team I don’t know, totally “pumped” for the unknown that lies ahead. How did I get here, well I hope my new friend was right, by following Jesus.

This is going to be a very different sort of trip. Not only is it a new place with a team that I don’t know at all, but I’m not in any way shape or form in charge! I never thought of myself as a control freak but I must admit that it is quite different to be placed in this position. I have a lot to learn and I have a feeling that this whole experience is going to be an exercise in listening and being prompted. Praise the Lord for situations such as these where I have no control, no idea what’s going on, don’t know the language and the only thing I can do is listen, wait upon the Lord and following His prompting.

1 comment:

Anky21 said...

Wow, impressive, I read your blog, and Becky emailed me telling me about you success, I just wanted to tell you how happy I was for you, both for your success as a RN an as a Christian. Sorry if its a little weird hearing from me, just wanted to say congrats
Anthony Whitehead