Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Talking Head

This summer is my first attempt at teaching a class that involves distance education. In attempt to make the material easily accessible to all the course participants, it was suggested that I make a lecture/demonstration video.
Some good friends of mine run a sort of media ministry out of their home that includes radio broadcasting and filming. Last night I went down to their place to film the first of my 5 lecture series. In spite of how much I hate cameras, things were going well and I was nearly 2/3 of the way finished when suddenly the camera man says "cut."
What was the problem, I was on a roll? As it turns out the one day I actually wore color, it just happened to be a long sleeved green shirt. What's wrong with that, you ask? We were filming in front of a green screen, I would be nothing more than a talking head and pair of hands! While that might actually be funny for the first few minutes, we decided that overall it would be way to distracting.
"Take 2!"

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