Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Raven(s)

As I was reading of the students blog posts, I began to reminisce about nursing school and I starting looking through old pictures and papers. I found several journal entries I had made while I was in Alaska working in the villages there. Here is one them that I seem to have found at quite the opportune time.

We had a meeting at 1pm about the the community health aid program. I ended up not going because Aeromed had a flight for me to go on. Our call was in a village called Tooksook Bay. It located on Nelson Island near Night Mute. On the way to the village I got to sit in the co pilots seat. As we landed I noticed there was an overturned plane lying on the side of the runway. (This was the previous Areomed flight that didn't quite make it.)

After we landed we were picked up by a man on a "snow go" towing a wooden sled. We put all of our equipment on the sled including Tom, the flight medic, and rode along the frozen coastline to the village. Our patient was an infant with probable RSV.
During the flight back to Bethel I was looking out the window and noticing that there was absolutely nothing down there (not even trees) until you reach the village. These people were totally isolated. I was thinking about when God calls people to places like this... As I continued to look out the window I saw a raven flying below us.

I thought about Elijah at the Brook Kereth. The Lord had sent him there to escape the wicked king Ahab who was killing all the prophets of God. Even though God had sent Elijah to a remote and desolate place, He did not leave him "high and dry." God provided for him from the waters of the brook and He used the birds (ravens at that) to minister to him and bring him food.
These ravens did not bring the message of "nevermore" but rather the message of "evermore." Sometimes God leads us to desolate places, places where we think we couldn't possibly have a ministry. We just need to remember that it's all God's ministry, He doesn't need us (fortunately He wants us)to carry out His master plans. God can use even the ravens. In fact, sometimes He leads us to those places to minister to us. If we are faithful to follow God to the ends of the earth, He is faithful to provide for you forevermore.

I Kings 17:4
You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I needed this. Thanks for posting it!