Sunday, September 28, 2008

Decreased Intracranial Adaptive Capacity

I used the student computer on lab on Friday afternoon to download and print some documents off of another instructors coarse website because my own computer didn't have the program she had used to create the documents. Several of the nursing students where working frantically on a paper they have due next week. The assignment was to perform a health assessment on a classmate and then create a nursing care plan based off of the 4 top priority nursing diagnoses. The longer I sat in that room the more questions they asked me.
Nurses cannot legally make medical diagnoses, however they can make what are called nursing diagnoses. Every year a group called NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) has a conference to approve the next list of official nursing diagnoses. When I was in nursing school there were only 144, my has the list grown!
As I went through the lists I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like at those conferences. Here a few new ones that kind of make me go Hmm...
Decreased Intracranial Adaptive Capacity
Impaired Adjustment
Diversional Activity Deficit
Ineffective denial
Acute Confusion
Ineffective Individual Coping
Knowledge deficit
Do they speak from experience? Sometimes you just gotta wonder...


Anonymous said...

We used Knowldege Deficit all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must say I don't miss nursing diagnosis AT ALL! We don't have them in Rwanda. :-)

Anonymous said...

I think that after doing their fair share of careplans, they just lost their minds entirely. I do have to say that I enjoy the Knowledge Deficit one myself, it seems to always find it's way into my care plans. Speaking of which... that's what I get to go do now.

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