Sunday, July 20, 2008


Friday night I had dinner with a friend from nursing school I hadn't seen in quite a long time. It was great to see to her, chat and catch up. We talked for hours about everything from grad school to Africa to Sri Lanka to being nurses. It was one of those conversations where the other person is saying exactly what you needed to hear and your saying exactly what that person needed to hear. I love it when that happens!
Of course she asked about Rwanda, but it wasn't until I started telling her the story that I realized just how truly amazing the whole thing was. God did some pretty incredible things to pull this off. Here are few:
~The Rwanda project was not actually the project I had originally intended on doing. ~I had to change my project 24 hours before my proposal was due.
~The project was approved for the proposal writing stage at 4am, just 20 hours before the proposal was due.
~The approval came about through a series of 16 emails between three people: Myself at work in Seattle, Julie in Rwanda, and my professor who was in Japan at the time. Hence we were all on the computer at the same time.
~When I got the go ahead to write the proposal the professor said "If you feel like God is calling you to do this then go for it!"
~About 8 weeks before my departure date to Rwanda, my computer was stolen with all my work on it. A brand new computer was gifted to me not more than 24 hours after the incident.
~I got an entire month off to go, a major feat when you're a nurse in the midst of a nursing crisis.
~The program was for the most part successful but I think that I was one who learned the most.
~I graduated on time when it looked like I might not!
That whole experience was such a gift from God and the story a testimony of His faithfulness. It blows me away just to think about it.

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