Saturday, August 25, 2007

All in a Week's Work

Well, it's finally Friday! Actually it's very early Saturday morning, but today at 7:30 am I will be free at last. It's been a long work week. I started out Monday morning by going to an all day faculty retreat at Northwest University. We had a workshop on writing test questions and evaluating the effectiveness of student testing. Tuesday (during the day) was also a faculty workshop as well. Tuesday evening it was off to work at the hospital and I have been here every night since. My first nights of work I got to be "CRN" which basically means just being the "helper nurse" and putting out fires all night long. Tonight it's a case of pulmonary edema, good times...
So... 2 cardioversions, 4 central lines, 23 ABGs, 13 transfusions, 3 peripheral IV starts, 6 bedpans, too many milligrams of morphine, ativan, lasix, diltiazem, epi, and lidocaine, countless turns and ins and outs of beds, 1 post mortum care, 1 intubation and 13 cups of coffee later I'M STILL AT WORK. (On yeah, and add to that one exposure to TB.) What's wrong with this picture?
For having recently quit a job ironically I find myself even busier than before. The bright side is that I only have 5 1/2 hours left until a few precious days off. I hear it's supposed to rain tomorrow. I say let it pour, there's nothing better than going home to a warm bed in the morning and being able to sleep knowing that I'm not missing the sunshine. I get to end my day when everybody else has only just begun. I'm sleeping while they slave away. And yes, the glass is half full. (For you nurses out there that means that 160 cc need to be charted under PO intake. ;)

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