The last few weeks have been blur as the summer is coming to a close and the school year is almost here. This week has been marked by my sister's wedding, 60 hours of work at the hospital, and of course the faculty retreat and other preparations for the upcoming semester. As I drove onto the campus this morning I was greeted by the maintenance crew preparing the dorms and classrooms for occupation. In just a few short days the students will begin moving in.
I ended up going to faculty retreat in my scrubs as I had missed my bus and therefore didn't have time to change clothes. During the opening of the meeting the Dean passed out gifts to each one of us; chocolates and a bag of manure (fertilizer). He went on to explain how he had gone to a conference at West Point and visited the site where a part of the movie "Hello Dolly" was filmed. Apparently there is a part in the film where she says "Money is like manure, it has to be spread around to make things grow." Dr. C was encouraging us to spread around our encouragement and expertise as instructors to help our students and each other grow.
I'm going to have to get an office plant now just to use my fertilizer.
Dr. C's presentation of the gift of poo was followed by a presentation about civility in the classroom. I must say it was a little interesting to be sitting amongst a group of women twice my age talking about the lack of respect shown by the "me generation" and their "sense of entitlement" and constant need for reassurance. Sadly I agree with this opinion and sadder still I'm more a part of this generation than that of my collegues. How did we ever get this way, so demanding yet so insecure in ourselves?
What's the answer? There is now a school wide policy that students can no longer call faculy by first names. We must now be called by title and surname, so that's Professor Morgenroth to you! Personally I'm not to crazy about the idea. Why can't we just go southern and be Miss April? It's a pentacostal Christian university, heck I could be Sister April (accept that sounds Catholic); or how about just the last name? Some of these students will be older than me and I want to be approachable. What a dilema... It will be interesting to see how this new policy changes the culture of the University, especially with last years students coming back to Professor So and So. Too bad I can't be Professor So and So...
Any opinions for any of you teachers out there?